spicy painter

Guillermo Aymerich


Built with Berta.me

  1. [C5N] 5 storied curly, 2011. osaka
    oil painting and alkyd resin/R3 photo process.

    modular painting

  2. memorial allusion to the buddhist stupa using curls as the center of beneficent influences.

    curly hair as buddhist symbol of religious observance, wisdom and meditation.

  3. 72 x 50 cm - 28.34 x 19.68 in

    72 x 50 cm - 28.34 x 19.68 in

  4. 18 x 10 cm - 7.08 x 3.93 in

    18 x 10 cm - 7.08 x 3.93 in

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